The IES Sabina Mora is located in Roldán, belonging to the municipality of Torre Pacheco. It was inaugurated in the year 1999.
Its educational community is made up of 75 professors, 6 non-teaching staff members and 789 students.
It is located 7 kilometers from Torre Pacheco and is the reference teaching center of nearby towns such as Balsicas, Los Martínez del Puerto, San Cayetano o El Jimenado.
It was recently expanded, the extension was inaugurated on January 13, 2017.
This summer, 2019, the canteen/gym hall has been covered, which will improve the transit and stay of students and teachers in this area on windy and rainy days. With the solution, a covered area of about 30 square meters has been gained. We see it in the following foto:
This summer of 2020, one of the needs for improvement, in terms of infrastructures, raised in the current Management Project, was the closing of the hallway, in order to gain a welcoming space that increases its versatility, both for activities educational and recreational. The enclosure of the entrance hall for its eastern part, which leads to the sports courts, is made up of a metallic structure with galvanized steel and four doors of one meter each. Thus, we have a cozy area of about 230 square meters in which activities are favored and both the stay and the traffic of students and teachers are improved, especially on cold, windy and rainy days.