Pedro Gómez Meseguer, s/n,
30709 Roldán

Tf.: 968.589.654 Fax: 968.589.894

Written by M Carmen
Hits: 2680



The Plan of Education for Health in the School (EpS) arises from the need to implement stable programs of education and health promotion (PS) in the school environment, so that schools can become Health Promoting Schools.

        The  Plan of Education for Health in the School, which has been developed since 200t, coordinated by the Ministries of Health and Social Policy and Education, Training and Employment, establishes how the PS and EpS interventions carried out in the non-university teaching centers and aims to:

  • Promoting the transversal development of the contents of EpS contemplated in the educational curriculum.
  • Making available to the educational community the didactic resources necessary to favor the development of the EpS.
  • Improving the skills and abilities of health and education professionals through university, specialized and continuing education.
  • Favoring the formation of the families, by means of the start-up of schools of families in EpS.
  • Establishing the necessary coordination mechanisms to favor the participation of all the agents involved inthe develoment of the EpS.

            All this with the purpose of orienting the knowledgeand attitudes of thecomponents of the educational communities towards apositive model of health, facilitating the integral develoment of the students and the acquisition and maintenance of healthy lifestyles.

            After analyzing the educational reality of the Center, the need to work okn the following aspects is highlighted:

  • Promoting healthy habits and hygiene in the Center and in the family.
  • Improving the maintenance of the dependencies of the Center (schoolyard, classrooms, corridors, toilets...)
  • Decreasing noise in corridors, schoolyard and classrooms.

             The proposed objectives to promote health will be framed in 5 basic sections of work:

 a) Hygiene and personal care:

  • Knowing he need for daily personal hygiene and achieve the proper body hygiene.
  • Recognizing the need for cleanliness after physical education sessions.
  • Being in class in an appropriate position.
  • Achieving a proper hygiene of rest, assuming the need for a sufficient number of hours of sleep to achieve a restorative effect.
  • Using public toilets properly.

 b) Food and nutrition.

  • Recognizing the importance of having breakfast at home and the need of liquids, especially water.
  • Knowing the number of meals that must be made per day to have a healthy diet.
  • Being able to discriminate in a diet the basic elements of a varied and balanced diet. 
  • Identifying the practice of sports and not lead a sedentary life as a reality that will prevent joint problems and overweight in adulthood.
  • c) The environment.
  • Knowing the importance of cleaning the Center (classrooms, corridors, schoolyard).
  • Eliminating unpleasant noises that are generated in classrooms and outside them: screams in the classroom, corridors, schoolyard...
  • Knowing the positive impact of their actions on the environment when they make a rational use of non-renewable resources with simple actions such as: turn off lights, turn off the water tap when brushing teeth or while having a shower, separate waste, collect plastic plugs....
  • Promoting personal and group attitudes of respect for the right that people have to be able to enjoy spaces free of contamination.
  • d) Physical and mental well-being.
  • Knowing how to identify when they are facing an act of physical or verbal intimidation.
  • Promoting acts of tolerance and respect among students.
  • Discriminating and rejecting habits that lead to dependence on drugs to enjoy in their free time and leisure.
  • e) Recycling.
  • Handling different recycling techniques.
  • Awareness of the importance of recycling.