Pedro Gómez Meseguer, s/n,
30709 Roldán

Tf.: 968.589.654 Fax: 968.589.894

Written by M Carmen
Hits: 2264



alumno tutor2


The tutor student program is an innovative project in tutorial action that tries to put into practice a social action model, supported by collaborative work/learning, through which the students of the 1st yer of Bachillerato (student tutors) practice and learn social skills, assuming certain tutorial responsibilities with students from other educational stages. The tutored  students, usually belonging to the first ESO course, will have the personalized support of a tutor during their stay at the Center.

“The process of teaching is so close to learning that they should never be separated from each other. You teach while you learn and you learn while you teach”.

This model of intervention and accompaniment aims to take advantage pedagogically to the differences between students, allowing diversity to be treated not as aproblem but as a resource that makes possible the help for the tutored student and the training for the tutor student.

The Department of School Guidance coordinates the actions of the student tutors and carries out a follow-up through periodic meetings with them as well as the tutors' teachers of the tutored students.  Student tutors will usually use spaces for recreation to share. Using in particular one break per week to spend time with his tutors.


The objectives of this plan are:

  1. Contribute to a good personal, social and school adaptation of the tutored student in the school, creating a climate of mutula trust between the student and the tutor. 
  2. Provide support in carrying out tasks punctually and if necessary, so that the student obtains a performance according to their possibilities.
  3. To be an effective mediator in the face of possible conflicts that arise in the school environment and channeling their difficulties, guiding them towards the search for effective solutions.
  4. Support and encourage you in your daily efforts procuring conficence in yourself and your posibilities
  1. Sharing with him playful experiences both in the field of interpersonal relationship and with his reference group.
  2. Offer him the possibility of having a "big friend" in the school environment.

Socially, as the project is proposed, special attention will be given to the close, emotional treatment and effective communication between both parts. The social relationship between both students will be reinforced by the interventions of the Guidance Department throughout the process. In addition, this plan will promote responsibility and the sense of cooperation and help to others among the students of 1st year of Bachillerato.

From the level of the psychological, the process of understanding between both students will allow the tutored student to reinforce their self-confidence /security by having a reference at their disposal to address any situation that escapes their own possibilities of seeking conflict resolution. Likewise, the student tutor with the support of the Guidance Department, will be reinforced their knowledge and skills in this field, mature in the development of their sense of responsibility to others while perceiving a proper recognition and better social positioning in the educational community, elements that affect the improvement of their own psycho-educational process.

The program concludes with a report made by the student tutor in June, the subsequent individual and general evaluation of the same by the Guidance Department and the delivery of a diploma to the student tutor for the work done (see annexes).

For the implementation of the program students will need to acquire a formal commitment and authorization from the family (see annexes).

In the start-up of the plan and the elaboration of it, the Guidance Department will participate, more specifically the Technical Teacher of Community Services, Social Educator and Orienter.


- Student of 1st of baccalaureate.

- Student of 1st of ESO.