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Written by M Carmen
Hits: 2321



News of the project fot the 2017-2018 academic year

Right now the project “The Deep Isaac” is slow it will be resumed on a date to be determined. The rest of the initiatives will be continued durint this school yer, in the subjects of 3rd Initiation to Research and 4th ICT.

The institutoe has a new 3D printer. It will be assembled shortly, in order to be used during the current course. 

Context in which the experience is developed

The emergence of new technologies in all areas of our society invites and requires an update of the teacher's knowledge in them, in order to achieve their practical transfer to students with motivating projects, achievable objectives and real final products. If we add to that the publication and dissemination, we can achieve extra motivation in the students, since they see their work recognized through social repercussion.

There's no doubt that 3D has an important future in our environment. The media itself is constantly echoing the latest developments in the sector. Summits, conferences and the recently fashionable "Maker Faire" are examples of the  constant growth of the same.

Development of the experience

At the IES Sabina Mora we have been working intensively on 3D during the last two years. In all ists areas, modeling, printing and 3D scanning. For this we have the necessary free software (SketchUP), a printer (BQ Hephestos) and a 3D scanner (Kinect), the latter of low price but very good result. We are working with students through the ABP (Project Based Learning). Currently we can quote:

  • Project “The Deep Isaac”. It consists of the modeling and 3D printing of a replica of the submarine invented by Isaac Peral, which is able to navigate and sumerge.

  • Scanning and 3D printing of students and teachers of the educational center.

  • Modeling and 3D printing of the Windmills of the Campo de Cartagena, the Institute Sabina Mora of Roldán and the Festero Carthaginians and Romanos Camp.

All the projects are dynamized with the complementary or extra-curricular activities, such as conferences by experts in the subject matter dealt with or visits toe the destinations targeted by the project.

These projects are being worked on in various subjects, such as 3rd year of Research Initiation, 4th year of Computer Science.

Evaluation and conclusions

Since we started with this methodology two years ago, we have realized the educational improvement that has meant, for the students and for the teachers involved. For this reason they have been opening more and more lines related to 3D as noted in the previous section.

The PBL allows us to set a motivating and real goal that transcends the exercises or activities that are carried out and do not leave the classroom. Obtaining a final product that can be useful provides added value with social recognition for all the agents involved.

To conclude, we would like to highlight that all these projects also brint the culture and tradition of the Región of Murcia to our students.